Press Release: Over 100 Market Participants have now made Statements of Commitment to the FX Global Code

16 April 2018

The Global Foreign Exchange Committee (GFXC) is pleased to announce that well over 100 Market Participants have now made Statements of Commitment to the FX Global Code (Code) less than one year after its launch. The majority of these statements can be found on the eight public registers around the world that have similarly launched since the release of the Code.

In light of the growth in public registers, the GFXC is developing a Global Index of Registers (Index), which will act as a central location that links the participating public registers, providing a comprehensive view of Market Participants’ commitment to good practices. The Index is expected to launch before the next GFXC Meeting on 27 June 2018.

Simon Potter, interim Chair of the GFXC and Executive Vice President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and David Puth, Vice-Chair of the GFXC and CEO of CLS said: “We are encouraged by the use of Statements of Commitment as a measure of overall adoption and promotion of the FX Global Code. The publication of these Statements on public registers provides transparency to market behaviour and we look forward to continued progress across the many diverse segments of the global FX market.”

In addition to the work on promoting broad adoption of the Code and developing the Global Index of Registers, the GFXC has three additional areas of work underway to further study wider market topics as follows:

1. Cover and Deal Working Group: Many responses to the GFXC’s Request for Feedback on Last Look practices in the Foreign Exchange Market highlighted ‘cover and deal’ type trading activity in the last look window. This working group will investigate in more detail the role that these trading models play in the foreign exchange market. This work is being co-led by Matt Boge (Reserve Bank of Australia), David Gracey (Investec), and Akira Hoshino (MUFG Bank).

2. Disclosures Working Group: Many responses to the Request for Feedback also focused on the role that disclosures can play in establishing clarity around the trading practices of Market Participants. Given the importance the feedback placed on adequate disclosures providing transparency to the market, this working group will undertake further work on disclosures, including in regards to E-Trading Platforms. This work is being co-led by Jamie Pfeifer (Federal Reserve Bank of New York), and Darryl Hooker (NEX Markets).

3. Negative Pre-Hedging Examples Working Group: GFXC members agreed to develop and consider additional negative examples related to Principle 11 of the Code on pre-hedging activity. This work is being co-led by Harri Vikstedt (Bank of Canada), Cedric Beaurain (Société Générale), and Gilberto Romero (Ve por mas).
For additional details on the GFXC and the FX Global Code, visit the GFXC website:

Notes to editors