
Members of the GFXC include central bank-sponsored Foreign Exchange Committees and similar structures in various regions. Each member Foreign Exchange Committee designates a central bank and private sector representative for the GFXC. Members currently include:

Australia – The Australian Foreign Exchange Committee 

Brazil – Foreign Exchange Committee

Canada – The Canadian Foreign Exchange Committee

China – China Foreign Exchange Committee

Euro Area- The Foreign Exchange Contact Group

Hong Kong – Treasury Markets Association

India – Foreign Exchange Committee

Japan – Tokyo Foreign Exchange Committee

Mexico – The Mexican Foreign Exchange Committee

Scandinavia – Foreign Exchange Committee

Singapore – The Singapore Foreign Exchange Market Committee

South Africa – South African Foreign Exchange Committee

South Korea – Seoul Foreign Exchange Committee 

Switzerland – Swiss Foreign Exchange Committee

United Kingdom – Foreign Exchange Joint Standing Committee

United States – Foreign Exchange Committee

Associate Members representing jurisdictions which meet some but not all of the membership criteria include:

Georgia – Georgian Financial Markets Treasuries Association

Indonesia – Indonesian Foreign Exchange Market Committee 

Israel – Israeli FX Committee